岡山大学 組織機能修復学分野


Graduate Student Applications

Our laboratory is inviting applications from graduate students for both master’s and doctoral programs. We offer comprehensive guidance to enhance each individual’s research skills, covering knowledge, technical abilities, ethics, and practical expertise. We particularly support the dissemination of each individual’s research outcomes through patent filings, conference presentations, and journal publications.

We also provide part-time employment opportunities within the lab at an hourly rate of approximately 1,300 yen. For those considering doctoral studies, we offer financial assistance, including positions through the Emergent Research Support Program and aid in applying for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowship to further your scholarly contributions in conferences and publications. If you are interested in our lab, please do not hesitate to contact us.


The Ideal Candidate

The Ideal Candidate We seek individuals who are driven and collaborative. Those with a passion for “creating the future of medicine through basic research” are particularly welcome.

Visiting the laboratory

We welcome visitors at any time.
Virtual tours via Zoom are also available. Recruitment Categories

Recruitment Categories



English language、 Major Subjects
*Please check the university website for the latest information as there may be changes to the content.

■Master’s degree

■Doctoral degree